Thursday, November 5, 2009

acker/bataille remix, plus a goat.

I was nearly sixteen when I met Simone, a girl my own age, at the beach in X.

She took me home to her mother's, a tiny little box ordered out of a Sear's catalogue. It was against a town ordinance to have certain animals within city limits but they kept chickens and cows and goats out back. The chickens would fly over to the neighbor's yard to lay their eggs and shit shit shit.

We made love on the trampoline. It's harder than it looks. One of the goats watched.

He turned out to be a God.
Beware, beware.

At some point Simone started to cry before telling me that she loved me, kind of, and then that she had to pee. She pushed me off of her and ran into the dark. The goat followed.

It was the longest pee ever.

When she came back, riding the goat, they both possessed the same pair of twisted eyes. I told her I wanted her to suckmesuckmesuckme and she said nonono you want to tie me down you want to make me sick you want to get me pregnant. Baby disease. I don't want no goddamn baby.
She and the great Goat God with their matching eyes turned away from me forever and she went wherever He took her.

The doves cooed above. We had created the world in our own image.